_layout folders contains different kinds of pages in this web sites. _includes folders contains headers, footers, and icon things. Therefore, if we want to add some pages here, we should first analyse the head.html, and header.html files here.

% for my_page in site.pages %
% if my_page.title %
my_page.title | escape
% endif %
% endfor %

Here the site.pages means the markdown files in root folder. So that I recognize that if I build up a new text file, and rename as “what you-want to display on your site.md”, I can add another pages in the header. Then I open the file, and write down:

layout: page
title: About
permalink: /about/
somthing you want to write down in this page.

The most important thing is that the layout style must be page. The title will be presented at the header of pages.

The organization of jekyll default.html is a fundation. home.html is based on default layout page.html is based on default layout post.html is based on default layout